Can't offer you guild help, but this may help instead:
I only tried this mission twice so far, once with one buddy + henchies, and once with people. With the people, no one knew really where to be for the last part where the king is to be protected. We placed ourselves sort of in the middle to cover each door, as well as near the catapults. We failed - the last barrage of enemies sauntered by us and killed the king.
When I did this with henchies, I followed the advice I read on this forum: Do not guard the doors, but stay near the king and take the enemy as it comes up the stairs. We came darn close to winning. We didn't use the catapults at all, and we panicked since we didn't know what to expect, which is why we got overmanned at the end.
I am looking forward to trying this again in the same manner, with henchies if need be. The king is pretty tough and can last a long time unless left alone, so I think all that is needed is to survive the last onslaught.